The systems we have created underpin our effective handling of client matters and ensure that we meet our self imposed standards and deadlines
We believe that our current IT capacity exceeds that of any insurance firm in Australia and ranks as among the best operated by law firms. Information technology is integral to the success of our practice and we are keen to share the benefits of our innovation with our clients. What we have cannot be bought over the counter because we designed it and put it together ourselves. We have made this substantial investment in cutting edge IT because it is not only already delivering real benefits to us and our clients, but we believe it is the way of the future.
We use Linux virtual servers and we have several systems in development as part of the constant upgrade of our network.
A Virtual Private Network and remote access system that allows for rapid communication between the office, partners homes and professional staff working at other locations. Currently we enjoy ADSL connectivity at the Office and high speed cable networking to home. This means that we are never out of touch with our staff or clients and can receive information wherever we are. We continue to develop new programs, generally written in Perl but sometimes Java, which comprise calculators that can computerise complex claims management procedures such as estimation and describing the application of complex legislation. This brings greater speed and accuracy to these procedures
Our resources will be available to you on your private web site created by us for you and your insureds.
Things to come
The paperless office is fast becoming a reality. Vardanega Roberts is ready to meet this challenge. Within five years, virtually all written communication will take place via email, much of it dictated directly into computers run on voice activated software. Vardanega Roberts has these capacities now.